
This page is dedicated to my family and friends just to get you into the picture. I now live in the heart of Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. If you like SoHo, N.Y. or Melrose Place, L.A. - you'll love my home. Before moving to Berlin I lived on the main shopping street in Frankfurt, the Zeil. That sure is downtown, but in no way compares to the spirit of Berlin. My two brothers live in Bad Homburg and my parents have their place in Friedrichsdorf. Members of my family live in Northern Germany and in different places within the wider Los Angeles area (from West L.A. to Pasadena), where I myself spent part of my Junior Year and the last three years before coming back to Germany L.A. still is my other home and half of me feels and lives american.

Sometimes the obvious, literal communication doesn't tell a story the way you want it told.

The digital age gives us a hint of time, space and future, and most importantly, a piece of each one of us allowing us to share our own unique visual story.

…here is mine – enjoy the ride…

Coming soon:
This site is being updated on an on-going basis:
Check "Coming soon" in each section to see what's in store.